An overview of the FIRST project: CFD can be a valuable tool for a deeper understanding of the atomization process

Michele Andreoli


The understanding of the complex physics for spray atomization plays a role of fundamental importance in different industries, from the design of low emission combustors until the cooling control for the rolling process in the metal industry.
The FIRST project (Fuel Injector Research for Sustainable Transport) was a collaborative project that ran for 48 months from December 2010 to 2014. Its 7.2M euros budget was partially funded by European Union 7th Framework Programme and the 20 industrial and academic project partners. The aims of the project were to deliver technologies for combustion emission reduction by developing improved design tools and techniques for modeling and controlling fuel sprays and predicting soot emissions in the aerospace field.
EnginSoft in the FIRST project has worked closely with GE Avio and the Universities of Florence and Bergamo for the development and optimization of break-up models and spray conditions. The expertise of the CFD team and the Ansys CFD capabilities have allowed the usage of a commercial code in the field of sprays’ atomization where usually research in-house dedicated codes are developed and used.

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